So red is the colour of power, energy, passion, and impulsiveness...and a complete turn around from last week (sorry @Mattystudios) I bought my Mono Red "all in" deck. It got me thinking a bit...why does Red just resonate with me?
Mono red is often criticized as the deck you play if you hate game interaction whether it be playing against the other person (and not just playing your deck), or the short length of the matches (you live or die by the speed of your deck and its ability to deliver). Some have even criticized it as a deck that takes "no skill to play", you know what? Fair point. Anyone can pick up a Red deck and get with the game-plan, but if you want to consistently win, you're going to need more than burn and fast creatures.
I like Red because it lets me do what I want to do in magic, avoid drawing due to time, follow a specific set of objectives and plays, and win. There is no other deck that I know of that fits these goals better than Mono Red.
I like making critical decisions where I can see the IMMEDIATE effect of my actions and plays. Every play counts in the ticking time bomb that is; can I beat you before that turn 5 play comes down and I need to settle for burn and hope you haven't got lifegain in your card sleeve(s).
As a new player, I would go so far to say it's been critical for my development and understanding of the game, to see how the mechanics of different decks play out, against my predetermined, but lightning fast approach. The clearer your plays are to me and how your deck works, the clearer my lines of play. Red is a learning tool for new players and a challenge for experienced players to master. It's also one of those decks that logically makes sense. The 4 of's make for familiar grips and the opportunity for important experience and repetition. Remember, I'm not a player with years or experience, or even a great deal of experience in the last year. Odds are in every single game I'm playing, I'm trying to catch up to your experience level.
My first experience deckbuilding and playing competitively was with UW Control (might as well have been called UW Deeeenied -- There's a new society name in there somewhere!) and I learned so little about other decks and my own, that it changed what was initially an adrenaline rush to a dragged out inevitability. I may have stopped you every step of the way for the first 5 turns, but after that the game stalled and so did the interest of both players.
Red, is the rush I look for when slinging cardboard. Red gives me the biggest opportunity to evaluate situations, put you under extreme pressure, learn, re-evaluate, and of course BURNINATE.
Huge dip in views last week! Not sure what's up but maybe I need to rekindle the flame here...I've been in discussion with @theproxyguy about producing some @Ricostravels/GentlemenBurninatorSociety tokens (might mail those around the world if people are interested in snapping a pic of them playing with it). I'm also hoping to put together a custom playmat so I can spread the word a bit when I finally get back to land and sling cardboard with some of you but not without some time and energy to put a solid design together.
I REALLY appreciate this support with re-tweets and to my dedicated readers, thank you, you're awesome and I've really enjoyed sharing discussions on some of the topics that come up!! I am ALWAYS interested in your views on issues that come up and particularly on where in the world you're reading from :D
Shout out! @EatenByBeebles
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